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Parental DNA Testing

What is Parental DNA Testing?

Parental DNA Testing is an accurate and reliable test to establish biological relationships between a child, alleged father, and alleged mother. Our paternity trio testing examines the child’s DNA against that of both the alleged father and mother. Both parents pass on half of his and her DNA to the baby. The genetic code, or DNA of the child, is a shared mix of only the mother’s and father’s DNA. By collecting and examining a small sample of DNA from everyone involved, a DNA paternity test can confirm or disprove biological relationships of a child.

Our testing facility is ISO 18385:2016, ISO9001:2015, and ISO/IEC 17025 certified company that employs state-of-the-art Autosomal Markers kit, ensuring a 99.99% probability of accuracy.


  • Immigration Cases: Utilized as crucial evidence to establish the mother-father-child relationship for citizenship and visa applications.
  • Legal Disputes: Cases  such as child custody, inheritance, or financial support.
  • Medical Reasons: For assessment of hereditary conditions or identifying potential genetic health risks.
  • Peace of Mind: As a Personal Curiosity

DISCLAIMER: This test result may not be defendable in a court of law for the establishment of paternity/relationship and other legally related issues because the samples used for the peace of mind test are not collected under a strict chain of custody or on an honourable court’s order by a third neutral party, and the Laboratory is unable to verify the origin of the samples. The names of the testing parties that may be listed in this report were submitted by the customer and are not independently verified. For inaccurate or misspelt patient information, the laboratory disclaims any liability.

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